Unit 6 Belvedere Court, 10 Beaufighter Road,
Weston Super Mare, BS24 8EE

Opening Hours
Mon - Sun, 24 hours a day

Office Phone
01275 874861


Staff Training and Induction Programme

We understand that at the heart of our organisation is our team members; they are the ones providing our clients with outstanding care and support. We therefore place a paramount importance on ensuring that every single member of our team has a full induction and training programme. We are strongly committed to ensuring that our team are happy, motivated and supported in their role which enables them to deliver the best service to our clients.

As a benchmark across the care and support team, every staff member has to complete the Care Certificate.  Team members are also encouraged to gain a QCF qualification, starting with a Level 2 in Health & Social Care, they can then progress to Level 3 right up  to a management Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care.

Both financially and logistically as a company we invest heavily in our workforce to ensure that for both clients and staff, the safety and well being of either party is never compromised.

Our mandatory induction programme is delivered by our Registered Care Manager and HR Advisor along with other senior members in our operations team to ensure that all new members of our team embrace our company values and quality of care and support. After the induction programme, each new member of the team shadows one of their colleagues for a minimum of two weeks, they are regularly supervised and observed delivering care or support in the homes of our clients before they are fully signed off to work alone by our Team Leader.  Your permission will be gained in an advance of any observation in your home taking place.

Within the first 13 weeks of any new starter’s employment, the following mandatory training and regulated training must be completed, all training is updated on a regular basis:

  • Safeguarding Adults
  • Mental Capacity Act
  • Advanced Manual Handling
  • Falls Management
  • Emergency First Aid at work
  • Dementia Care
  • End of Life Care
  • Infection Control
  • Food Hygiene
  • Nutrition & Hydration
  • Medication
  • Health & Safety
  • Person Centred Care Planning
  • Sensory Impairment
  • Stroke Awareness
  • Stroke Training
  • Catheter Care
  • Diabetes Awareness
  • Fire Safety
  • Awareness of Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Dementia
  • Risk Assessment training
  • Equality and Diversity

We are also committed to ensure that no forms of modern slavery or human trafficking occur in any part of our business or supply chains. We are committed to complying with all laws and regulations as well as conducting interactions with our supply chain in a fair, transparent and professional manner at all times.

We play an active role in provider development and will clearly communicate our expectations to contracted suppliers. We expect all companies who supply us to be compliant with all applicable laws relating to slavery and human trafficking, to undertake their own due diligence on their supply chains and business partners, and to ensure that any contracts with their sub-contractors have similar obligations.